
Hardware & Networking

empty office chair, canceled meeting

My boss and myself

I commenced in my role with significant access to my boss, with, at a minimum, weekly one-on-one meetings.
As time went on, the time dedicated to those meetings was reduced or the meeting itself was cancelled in its entirety.

Weeks could go by and I was no longer provided with a vehicle to provide important updates about the team/our work, to obtain guidance on critical decisions or to receive information that would inform what and how I/the team fulfilled its responsibilities.

I commit without fail to my one-on-one and team meetings. There is devoted time in the agenda for sharing, Q&A, updates (by everyone) and “unstructured” discussion.
I consciously listen, I ask questions, I follow-up, I acknowledge, I reward, I offer feedback and guidance.

I lost my voice and ended up believing that I had nothing important to say or to contribute to the organization. I left the company after a very short tenure.

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